
rabbit and lion heart

rabbit and lion heart

Rabbit in the change of teeth
Once the little rabbit lived a very happy life, but later a fox came into the forest and ate the whole family of the little rabbit, except the little rabbit, and so the little rabbit and the fox became natural enemies.

One day the little rabbit saw that the lion’s teeth were very sharp, and he was very envious, so he came to the little deer and said to the little deer, “I want to replace the lion’s teeth.” The little deer exchanged them for the little rabbit.

The little rabbit came to the fox’s house and said to the fox, “I’m here for revenge.”

As soon as the fox came out, the little rabbit was scared away.

The little rabbit came back to the little deer and said to him, “I want to put my claws on the lion.” The little deer turned to other doctors and put the lion’s claws on the little rabbit.

The little rabbit went back to the fox’s house and said, “Come out, I’m here for revenge.”

As soon as the fox came out, the rabbit was scared away again.

The little rabbit ran to the little deer and asked, “Why can’t I defeat the fox?” The little deer said, “What you should replace isn’t the lion’s teeth and claws, but the lion’s heart!”


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